How many triangles of any size and orientation can you count in this picture?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
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Solution :
41 (27 + 9 + 4 + 1)

A Man was busy in his work when his dress was torn.
He died after 3 minutes.
Why did he die?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
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Solution :
He was an ASTRONAUT and was fighting with another Astronaut, during which his dress was torn and lack of oxygen was the reason of his death)
How many legs does this elephant has ??

Difficulty Level - 1/5
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Solution :
5 legs. (You should verify it by counting feet instead of legs)
Name the alphabet(s) that doesn't appear in the spellings of 0 to 99...??
Difficulty Level - 4/5
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Solution :
A, B, C, D, J, K, M, P, Q
But the main OBSERVATION is that A, B, C and D don't appear till 99. First time D comes in 100.

Tom, Dick and Harry went for fishing in a Lake.
They got 10 fishes without heads,
12 fishes without the tail and 5 fishes cut in two halves.
So, In Total how many fishes did they catch ?
Difficulty Level - 2/5
One of my friend asked me to draw a line on the floor.
Then, he asked me to make that line smaller without erasing it.
I smiled and did it before he could blink his eyes.
Can you explain how I managed that??
Difficulty Level - 3/5
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Solution :
I drew another line longer than the first one.
This Puzzle is a little scarier one than the normal word search. We've left out one of the 36 first and the last names, and ask you to figure out which one is missing.
Difficulty Level - 4/5
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Using exactly four 4's, how many whole numbers you can get.. ?
E.g (4+4)/(4+4) = 1
Difficulty Level - 5/5
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Solution :
Will be updated in a day.
Using exactly four 4's, how many whole numbers you can get.. ?
E.g (4+4)/(4+4) = 1
Difficulty Level - 5/5
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Hint :
You can use any mathematical operation.
There are 4 friends who want to cross the bridge. There is only 1 lamp with them which is needed to cross the bridge and only 2 persons can cross the bridge at a time.
The time taken to cross the bridge by each person is 1 min, 2 min, 5 min and 10 min respectively.
How can they cross the bridge if the bridge is going to break in only 17 minutes ?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
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Solution :
(1,2) 1 returns (3 mins)
(5,10) 2 returns (12 mins)
(1,2) i.e. 2 mins .....
So overall 17 mins.
(1,2) 2 returns (4 mins)
(5,10) 1 returns (11 mins)
(1,2) i.e. (2 mins)
So overall 17 mins.
How many cats do you see in the picture ?
Difficulty Level - 1/5
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Solution :
Only 1 cat. (Rest all are reflections)
The three stooges met with an accident and were wounded. But, there was not any blood
contact between them. They went to a nearby doctor. But the Dr. had only two pairs of surgical gloves.
How it would be possible for the Dr. to operate the three stooges with only two pair of surgical gloves?
Difficulty Level - 4/5
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Solution :
First, the Dr.will wear both of the gloves, one above the other and operate the 1st Stooge. After operating the 1st one, he will remove the outer pair of gloves and place it in a tray. Then he will operate the 2nd Stooge. Finally, to operate the 3rd Stooge, he will wear the 1st gloves as inside out above the 2nd gloves.
What number do you see ?
Difficulty Level - 2/5
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Solution :
If you are not a colour blind then you can see all four numbers.
Which number replaces the question mark?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
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Solution :
7 (Sum of opposite numbers is 10)
What is wrong in the picture ?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
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Shoes are interchanged. Left leg has the right shoe and right leg has the left shoe.
What is wrong in the picture ?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
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Hint :
See the picture closely.

A Lady was found murdered in her office.
The suspects were John, Jack, Fad and Ann.
The only clue left by the killer(s) was, "2 thousand 8 hundred and 12", written on the calendar and kept near the body.
Who was the killer?
Difficulty Level - 2/5
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Solution :
Fad was the killer. (Numbers are denoting 1st letter of months )
An intelligent shopkeeper needs some weights to measure the goods of 1-1000 kg weight. So, in order to invest a minimum amount of rupees in weights, how many minimum weights he will need ? Also name the weights.
Difficulty Level - 4/5
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Solution :
He will need 10 weights namely 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512.
(2^0 to 2^9 because 1000 < 2^10)
An intelligent shopkeeper needs some weights to measure the goods of 1-1000 kg weight. So, in order to invest a minimum amount of rupees in weights, how many minimum weights he will need ? Also name the weights.
Difficulty Level - 4/5
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Hint :
1+2 = 3, Now you can carry on...
Difficulty Level - 1/5
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Solution :
There were some coins in the box at first. (Read 1st line again)

There was a Man called Mr. Blue. He loved the color Blue. His Bungalow was Blue in color. He made everything Blue in color, the walls were blue, the floors were blue, the chairs were blue, the tables were blue and even the T.V were blue in color.
So, What would be the color of the stairs ???
Difficulty Level - 2/5
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Solution :
There are no stairs in Bungalow...
There was a man who kept on committing crimes. He was taken into the court for the third time.
The Judge said " We have traced back the comments you made in previous courts and we came to know that you have been lying. So, you would be hanged till death... However, if you can write down a true statement on a piece of paper on the day of your execution then your sentence will only be 10 years".
So, when it came to the day of execution, the man wrote down a statement.
The Judge read the statement and released him with no charge.
What did he write on the paper and why was he set free?
Difficulty Level - 4/5
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Solution :
He wrote "I WILL BE HUNG".
If it is a false statement, then they will hang him and the statement will become true and they can't put him in jail because the statement is false!!! So, they set him free...
There was a man who kept on committing crimes. He was taken into the court for the third time.
The Judge said " We have traced back the comments you made in previous courts and we came to know that you have been lying. So, you would be hanged till death... However, if you can write down a true statement on a piece of paper on the day of your execution then your sentence will only be 10 years".
So, when it came to the day of execution, the man wrote down a statement.
The Judge read the statement and released him with no charge.
What did he write on the paper and why was he set free?
Difficulty Level - 4/5
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Hint :
Don't think too hard...
The three stooges - Moe, Larry and Curly were running in the 100 meter race.
All of them were running at a constant speed throughout the race.
Moe beats Larry by 20 meters.
Larry beats Curly by 20 meters.
So, By how many meters Moe beat Curly ?
Difficulty Level - 4/5
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Solution :
36 meters.
The three stooges - Moe, Larry and Curly were running in the 100 meter race.
All of them were running at a constant speed throughout the race.
Moe beats Larry by 20 meters.
Larry beats Curly by 20 meters.
So, By how many meters Moe beat Curly ?
Difficulty Level - 4/5
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Hint :
Distance between 1st and last will increase with time.
Difficulty Level - 1/5
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Solution :
A. (C is not correct as It should be 10 boxes of 100 pencils each)

What is greater than God?
More evil than the Devil?
The poor have it,
The rich need it
If you eat it you'll die.....
Difficulty Level - 2/5
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Solution :
A Psycho robbed a number of Books from a University Hostel.
When he tried to escape, a student caught him, and asked for equal share of Books. At the end, one Book remained with them, and they started quarrel for that single Book.
Then another Trespasser watched them and asked a share for him. Then the books were divided among 3, where one Book remained again. Likewise the Books were divided among 6 persons who came there. Again, a single Book remained for which all of them raised their voices.
Finally it was equally divided in 7 persons including the Psycho, without any Book remaining.
Can You Say, What Would Be The Number Of Books Robbed By The Psycho?
Difficulty Level - 3/5
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Solution :
Least number of books robbed by the psycho can be 301.
A man was living alone in a flat. Due to his old age , most of the things used to be delivered to his house.
On Thursday Morning, while delivering the milk , Milkman felt something suspicious in the flat and did try to look inside through the key hole and saw the bloody body of man.
When police arrived at the crime scene, they found Bottles of Milk , Monday newspaper, some unopened mails and some gifts outside the flat.
Police found the murderer immediately. How come ?
Who was the murderer ?
Difficulty Level - 2/5
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Solution :
Murderer was Newspaper Delivery Man as he didn't deliver the Newspaper since Monday.
Total no of Triangles ?????
Difficulty Level - 4/5
There are 56 Triangles.
Total no of Triangles ?????
Difficulty Level - 4/5
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Hint :
There are a number of ways to tackle a problem like this; most are equally valid, but some are significantly more reliable than others. The most typical approach for this type of problem is to determine all the possible triangle shapes, and then determine how many of each type there are. The symmetry of this diagram greatly simplifies the task.
My favorite technique counts the triangle not by shape, but by how many of the 6 star vertices are used. The surprising key observation is that there are NO triangles that don't use one of these six points! The diagram's symmetry further reduces the search space, and the counting turns out to be pretty easy.